The right hand is held in Ardapataka to denote the 2nd person of the Trinity. This Mudra is also used in the Christian customs and rituals for blessing individuals or congregation while administering the sacraments on them during a liturgical celebration by the Pope, Bishops and priests (at times the elders also bless in the similar Mudra, especially during marriage ceremony, before setting on a journey or after returning from it).
Blessing is conceived as a communication of life from God. With life came vigor and strength and success, which brings one peace of mind and peace with world. In Christianity only God can bless, others bless in the name of God. God blesses the first creation (Gn 1:28,52). The effect of the blessing is most frequently mentioned is fertility, whether men, animals or crops (Gn 2:3). Jesus blesses the food in the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves (Mt 14:19, MK 6:41, Lk 14:22), and the supper of Emmaus (Lk 24:30); and blesses the apostles at the ascension (Lk 24:50). In the scripture blessing frequently means salvation through Jesus Christ. The left hand is held in Sikara to denote the certain victory of Christ that is resurrection from the dead. Christ dies and lives again to be the Lord of the dead and of the living 9Rom 14:9). It is Christ, victorious, risen and exalted who is the head of the Church. His body and the principle of its life and unity (2 Tim. 2:18).